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2023 Comprehensive Disaster Safety Drill at our headquarters

On Friday, September 1, at 11:30 a.m., we held a comprehensive disaster safety drill for employees at our headquarters.

The drill focused on the “Fire Drill in the Event of a Fire at the Headquarters”.

All employees examined the operation of fire alarms, reporting procedures, quick evacuation, and the use of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants in a realistic situation.

AED and CPR training at the new construction site of HB Building, Hwaseong Plant, Yuhan Chemical Co.

On August 23, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., firefighters from the Hwaseong Fire Department visited the site of the new construction of HB Building at the Hwaseong Plant, which we are constructing, and conducted education and training on how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for workers on site.

We will continue to conduct continuous education and training so that the AED equipment we have on site can be used immediately in times of emergency and protect the precious lives of our workers. We would like to thank the firefighters from the Hwaseong Fire Department for this education and training.

Safety and Health Management Meeting in Q2 2023

On the afternoon of Wednesday, July 12, 2023, we held the second fiscal quarter safety and health management video conference with safety managers from all sites in the conference room at our headquarters.

During the meeting, we discussed in-depth the implementation of our safety and health goals, status reports on safety and health activities, safety and health plans, and improvement plans for problems at each site.

Mr. Kim Sung-ho, the Chief Security Officer, emphasized the importance of proactively identifying and managing risk factors by internalizing risk assessments across all facilities. The aim is to eliminate, replace or control risk factors in advance.

We will continue to make active efforts to ensure that the safety and health management regulations are thoroughly implemented in the management of safety and health at all sites and develop into a construction company with “ZERO serious accidents”.

The Site of Cuckoo Gangdong Building

This is the site of Cuckoo Gangdong Building.

The excavation work is on track, and in order to ensure construction safety, we are conducting risk assessments every day and sharing them with all workers during TBM.

Our employees are making every effort to complete the excavation of the fifth basement level by the end of July.

The Public Open Medical Innovation Center at Chonnam National University in Hwasun

The Public Open Medical Innovation Center at Chonnam National University in Hwasun.

Even amid the hot temperatures of early summer, the workers on site are exerting themselves to keep the schedule and structural quality.

The site offers rest areas and breaks for workers with ice dispensers and water coolers to prevent accidents caused by fatigue or dehydration.

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